Key Takeaways

  • Discover PBM

    Learn how Pillar-Based Marketing incorporates data-driven best practices from SEO and both inbound and outbound marketing tactics to align you to your ideal customers' pain.

  • Learn the Lingo

    Access a complete glossary of terms breaking down core PBM concepts including Pillar Pages, Topic Networks, and specific features of the DemandJump platform.

  • Reach Page One

    Discover how critical it is to be on Page One of search engine results pages for your mission-critical topics to increase organic traffic and amplify marketing outcomes.

Course Curriculum

    1. What is Pillar-Based Marketing?

    2. Introducing Your Instructor: Ryan Brock

    3. Glossary of Terms

    4. Why is Pillar-Based Marketing Critical?

    1. Let's Review

    2. Let Us Know

About this course

  • Free
  • 6 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


Chief Solution Officer Ryan Brock

With over a decade of experience as the founder and CEO of successful content marketing agency Metonymy Media, Ryan Brock joined the DemandJump team as Chief Content Officer as part of an acquisition in 2021. Now, he's taking the success he found utilizing the DemandJump platform and empowering marketers and agencies to embrace the same data-driven approach to content, which is now known as Pillar-Based Marketing. Ryan lives in Indianapolis, Indiana with his wife, son, and shaggy dog, and he does not like the taste of black licorice one bit.